
Monday 14 September 2009

Artist at work

One of the highlights of the Saltaire Festival is the Saltaire Arts Trail. For two weekends, 16 of the village houses are opening their doors - and hallways, kitchens, sitting rooms and even in some cases bedrooms - as unique gallery spaces to display some absolutely stunning examples of art and crafts, mostly by local artists. It's a wonderful opportunity to see some truly inspirational work... even to buy some if the fancy takes you. As many of the artists are on site, it's also a great chance to chat and find out how they produce their pieces and what inspires them.

My photograph shows the painter David Starley working on a canvas in the garden of 75 Albert Road. The house itself was well worth seeing - one room had an entire wall filled with the most beautiful bookcase. And there were some lovely pieces displayed, including some beautiful wooden vases/sculptures by Chris Ryner, who uses the flaws in the wood as an integral part of the finished piece.

As well as the open houses, there are also exhibitions and a Makers' Fair in the Victoria Hall. It's not too late to explore the Trail as it's also open next weekend, 19 & 20 September.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo with the flags I would like to see the picture when the artist is finished.
