
Monday 21 September 2009

Piazza stage

Is it just me or is it hard to take good photos of crowds? I wanted to feature the Piazza stage, as it is really the heart of the Saltaire Festival final weekend. It featured some good music, to suit most tastes, from brass band to rock'n'roll - mostly lively stuff. The band playing when I took this photo were called Wang Dang Doodle. It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday and the crowds flocked to Saltaire... I'm sure the organisers will feel it's been a very successful Festival 2009.

The Piazza is in the centre of Saltaire, against the backdrop of Salts Mill - its day job is as the Caroline Street car park, but it had an earlier incarnation as the site of Saltaire's Sunday School - a vast building, opened in 1876, which had 25 classrooms and took 800 students. The building was demolished in 1972 - to make way for the car park - a sad comment on modern society? (Maybe, but at least you can now see the Mill in its full glory...and occasionally find a space to park your car.)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize the crowd consisted of people drinking beer while sitting at tables.

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