
Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Snow scene

One more snow scene, just because it's pretty - though the snow has all but disappeared now. I've a feeling we might get some more before the winter is finished (probably in February when I'm due to travel down to Devon!)

The snow transforms the Aire valley into something reminiscent of a Christmas card. If you view this large and look closely, you can just see the tower of Saltaire URC behind the trees on the right. The prominent white building in the centre is Titus Salt School, a brand new upper/secondary school that opened in September 2008, to replace the former Salt Grammar School. (It really is white - that's not just the snow.)


  1. Nice scene; listening to the forecast, you might start getting some more today.

  2. Nice photo, I love the way the bright colours of the people's clothes are set off by the snow colours!

    Snow has gone all slushy here in Bristol.

  3. It does look like a picture postcard. I could almost believe it was taken in the mountains.
