
Friday 1 January 2010

"Water Mill"

Hello 2010! A new year and a chance to reaffirm my challenge to myself to post a photo a day of Saltaire (and sometimes beyond) on my blog for a year. Over half-way through now, and I'm enjoying this more than I ever imagined I would. I didn't expect to meet so many lovely (and talented) people through the blog for one thing - both other bloggers and also local people who share my affection for Saltaire. There are some wonderful photographers online, and people who always make me laugh and I even have a beautiful garden to spend time in now (though it is halfway across the world). So thank you to everyone for your work, and for visiting my blog too.

I've shown you most of the 'important' bits of Saltaire now, and the challenge is to keep on finding new angles and interesting stories. I notice so much more now, as I live my life in this lovely place. I am enjoying sharing it with you - and if even one person is attracted to visit Saltaire, that would be gratifying.

Here is a 'different' view of Salts Mill, Saltaire, reflected in the Leeds-Liverpool canal which runs alongside. Completed in 1853, this huge mill was commissioned by Titus Salt to house his textile manufacturing business. It sits within a well-preserved Victorian village, purpose-built for the mill's workforce. Saltaire is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Please browse through the other photographs on my blog to discover more about this fascinating piece of England's industrial heritage. [And please click the links to discover some of my favourite blogger friends.]


  1. Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Prosperous 2010.

  2. As you say, the challenge is to keep finding shots; good luck with the hunt in 2010.

  3. Great shot. I hope you continue well past your year mark as there is always something new to photograph. Happy New Year, may you have health and happiness in 2010.
