
Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Interior, St. Peter's Church

I took this photo of the interior of St. Peter's Church, Shipley in June last year, when we held a flower festival as part of our Centenary celebrations. The church was consecrated in 1909. The view is looking up the aisle from the West entrance towards the beautiful East window.

The church originally had wooden pews and an ornate wooden rood screen that separated the chancel (choir area) from the main body of the church (nave). The screen was removed in 1991 to open up the front of the church. The
church was fully carpeted and the pews were removed in 2005/6 to provide a more flexible area for worship and other activities such as charity concerts. (We now have nice comfy chairs...aah!)

The warm welcome now provided by the church interior is, we hope, mirrored by the warmth of the congregation. There are extensive church halls attached to the rear of the church, which provide a home for many community groups and activities.
We employ a full-time youth worker, paid for by the congregation, and offer both Sunday groups and a range of mid-week activities for children and young people.


  1. Strangely; though this is my home church, I never got to the flower festival, nor many of the centenary celebrations [lack of organisation on my part I fear].

    As Jenny suggests, we are very fortunate in our facilities and the range of services and organisations we can host. We really try to be a "church without walls". The building you see is our "base" but the Church is the people.

  2. Such a pretty church! Very much like the Episcopal church in Tampa, Florida (USA) where my husband and I were married.
