
Wednesday 24 March 2010

Towards Buck Hill

The stretch of the Leeds-Liverpool canal along which I walked last Sunday - from Saltaire through Shipley as far as Buck Hill Swing Bridge - is not, it has to be said, the most scenic part. Although, because the river valley drops away and the canal continues halfway up the hillside, you do get some lovely views across the valley towards Baildon. However, the light was good and brought the colours out well. I always like images with water and reflections.

One of the negatives about the area is the long line of electricity pylons that snake their way across the hillside. Not very beautiful, but I suppose the cost of burying the wires underground would be prohibitive. Another negative is the amount of litter in the canal at the moment; perhaps it's there because of the winter? I don't know if British Waterways employ litter-pickers to tidy it up, but there are all sorts of plastic bottles, lumps of wood, plastic bags and other debris floating in the canal all along its length. I should have taken this lump of polystyrene out, I suppose.

Anyway, don't look at that - just enjoy the colours!


  1. It's hard not to see the beauty in this photograph. The wires and the litter are just atmospheric 'interference'.

  2. Litter is a big problem on most canals these days alas.

  3. It does look quite pretty. It is a shame about the litter. I once booked a holiday on a canal boat from Shipley but Hubby got sick and we couldn't go.

  4. Lovely colors and reflections!

  5. Those reflections in the water certainly are pretty!

  6. Earth Day is coming up on April 22. We've had a shoreline cleanup here held on that day, it's fun when pockets of people band together to clean up what the wind and elements often scatter everywhere. ~Lili
