
Friday, 9 April 2010

Unexpected visitor

Always carry your camera, they say - and I was glad I had mine with me yesterday, even though it was only my compact. Everyone in the office was hugely excited to notice this fox asleep in the shrubbery. It was right by the main entrance and the steps where everyone walks in from the car-park - but it seemed completely unfazed by people walking past. Even when I went quite close to take its picture, it just opened one eye, as if to say "leave me alone, can't you see I'm sleeping?" I think it was enjoying basking in the first warm sunshine we've had for months. It really does feel like Spring, all of a sudden. Hooray!


  1. I do believe you might be right (I do hope you might be right) ... Spring has arrived at last. In any event foxes do seem to have got a lot braver since the demise of fox-hunting.

  2. Lovely shot. Never that easy to compose when you think the subject might up and leave at any given moment.

  3. THIS is what a I call a great catch!I did not see foxes since years! He seems to be enjoying the sun..

  4. Your photo goes to prove the old adage; think how you would have kicked yourself without it. Nice one.

  5. Awww! I have foxes in my garden, but they never let anyone get this close. I once spent an hour up a tree waiting for them to appear for a photo. By the time they did, it was slightly too dark :(

  6. Great capture. Glad to hear the weather has warmed up. Would you believe my grandson to be born next month is going to be called Fox.

  7. Wonderful capture! And I'm so glad it's feeling like Spring!

  8. Ohhhhh what a sweet little red fox you captured! And yes ALWAYS carry your camera!!! I could kick myself for some shots I've missed when I forgot to take it with always seems to happen that way. ~Lili

  9. He is adorable! We have foxes in our neighborhood and every once in awhile, one will get hit by a car. It makes me sad.

  10. Dont think I've ever seen one sleeping. Urban foxes in London are always running somewhere

  11. I, for one is very glad that they have outlawed this cruel and barbaric so-called sport. Give the fox a machine gun and then perhaps it would be perhaps sporting. Not chasing a poor frightened animal to the point of exhaustion then setting a pack of dogs onto it to tear it to pieces. Right glad I got that off my chest. Yes a great little photo of this intelligent creature.
