
Saturday 22 May 2010


Whilst I was in Skipton, I met up with some friends and we had a walk along the Springs Canal. This is a short branch attached to the main Leeds-Liverpool canal. It was built in 1797 by Lord Thanet, who lived in Skipton Castle, in order that limestone from the Yorkshire Dales could be brought down by a tramway to load onto barges. It's a quiet, pretty little canal these days (a far cry, I imagine, from its noisy heyday as a working canal). The path goes right behind the walls of Skipton Castle and then on up into Skipton Woods, which is a lovely green oasis full of birds and wildlife.

The narrowboat Leo, in my photo, does regular short trips up the Springs Branch and back to the canal basin - for £3 you can spend a very pleasant half hour watching the world drift past. The boatman is a neighbour of my friends - cue for a certain amount of waving and banter as the boat slid by!


  1. That is so pretty and oldy worldy.

  2. Right now, a half hour cruise up the Springs Canal sounds perfect!
    When you have a moment to spare, you might like to take a look at my post for today :)

  3. Seeing that, who would need to go to Venezia?!..Ü

  4. This photograph has a timeless quality to it. I would love to climb aboard this boat and slowly float down the canal. It would be a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

    The Photo Huntress

  5. That sounds so peaceful, and great place to take photos (as you did)!
