
Sunday 4 July 2010

Listen to the band

On a sunny summer's day, what could be nicer than to sit by the bandstand in Ilkey's little park and listen to the music? You can choose a bench in the sun or one in the shade... but be prepared to make room for someone else too! (I know what's even nicer - listening to the music whilst eating a 'Yorkshire Dales' ice-cream. I know because I tried it!)

(I hope the band will play something suitable to wish all my American friends a very happy 4th July.)


  1. I was just going to say that if there had been a few flags around, this might have been somewhere in the USA. Lovely!

  2. What a delightful way to spend a summer Sunday afternoon :)

  3. This looks like a great way to while away the hours. Nice shot.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  4. It looks like a great place for an afternoon concert.

  5. I take both: a confortable bench in the shadow, AND the ice-cream!

  6. I hope you enjoyed the band, I play in a band so don't often get the chance to sit and listen!
