
Sunday 20 June 2010


There's nothing more pleasant than a gentle stroll along the canal bank on a warm summer's evening - though the fishermen obviously think it better to sit, watch and wait. I have never tried fishing - looks like you need more patience than I possess. But as an excuse for doing not a lot, perhaps it's a good one! This is my favourite stretch of the Leeds-Liverpool canal, the half-mile between Saltaire and Hirst Lock.


  1. My husband was a fisherman. He took me down to Canbury Gardens on the Thames. I anticipated a relaxing day of watching the people and the boats go by, with the odd bit of reacting to a nibble on the line. Not a chance! I spent the whole day staring at the end of my rod tip; the slightest minute of distraction could mean I would miss the twitch which was a bite!! By the time we packed up our (very heavy) gear and headed for the train, I was seeing double. I'm afraid that fishing is definitely not for me!

  2. I used to fish that way, when I ws a little girl, with my grandfather. We went and sit near the lighthouse, waiting for fishes and boats passing by..

  3. I think some fishermen don't bother with bait -- just use the 'fishing' time for meditation.

  4. The challenge is there while fishing, but also an awareness of the world around you.I immediatly wondered what they were catching. I blogged a trout fishing trip recently and was surprised at the developed interest in nature.

  5. Your area is so beautiful. I know I could Google it, but where is it in relation to London?

  6. i like fishing too..beautiful scene!!
