
Monday, 9 August 2010

Grand entrances

Aren't these splendid doors? They are the front entrances of large houses on Albert Road in Saltaire. Albert Road, completed in 1868, marks the western boundary of Saltaire village and contains some of the largest and grandest homes, originally occupied by senior managers at Salts Mill and by professional people. In those days they overlooked green fields and woods, but since then another estate of houses has been built.

The burnished wood of the doors reminds me so much of conkers (horsechestnut seeds) - which reminds that it'll soon be autumn... But we will make the most of the rest of the summer. I've been on lots of 'expeditions' recently and have a stack of photos still to show you of this lovely part of the world.


  1. Splendid indeed! Beautiful shot.

  2. They're like twins sisters, they look the same but have small differences . I'm wondering: the houses behind are also twins houses, all the same but not in the same direction?..

  3. Excellent image. We call horse chesnut seeds buckeyes, you are suppose to rub them for luck.

  4. Good, bring them on. And as for this one - yet again a wonderful sense of balance about it.

  5. Nice photo,but I would have liked to see it in black and white.

  6. Beautiful doors. I like to think of two gentlemen in business suits carrying furled umbrellas striding side by side down the walks to the door -- which are opened at the same time by two very similar women. They do this night after night but on Friday night, they look at each other, wink, and switch places just before the doors open.

  7. Vicki - you have a wicked imagination!

  8. They are so wonderful in red and I like the Roman arches with the keystones above.

  9. These doors are really beautiful.

  10. The entrances are so distinguished and handsome looking!

  11. Gracious, solid wooden doors... wonderfully preserved and maintained!

    Love Vicky Lane's take on the scene :)
