
Monday 30 August 2010


I've had a bit of a revamp of the site, as you see. I liked the old-fashioned look of the other one - it seemed to suit Saltaire - but it began to look and feel a bit cramped to me. I have a notion that this template makes the images a bit 'softer', and I wish I could work out how to get my photos a bit bigger. (I'm not very techno-savvy when it comes to this kind of thing.) But for now I think I'll leave it like this.


  1. Great! I love the new look!The older was more like Saltaire, but the new is more like you!:)

  2. It looks fresh and it is certainly easy to read the text against the white background.

  3. I really like the fresh template. In a previous life, as a web editor, I always favoured the 'clean' look. This works very well.

  4. Very nice--I like the new look! The other one did set a nice tone, but this allows the content to shine out a bit more.

  5. I like it too but the colours just make me think of... the Saltire! ;-)

  6. I think I like the simpler new look more Jenny.
    Have a great evening.

  7. It looks great; open and clean. I love the blue border!

  8. I've had that problem with GFC for the past three days; it got fixed yesterday. Today I'm facing the same problem! arg!

    What a lovely blog you have.
    I'd love love if we'd follow one another! When the problem gets fixed!
    Look forward to reading your new posts.


  9. Love the new look. To take advantage of the really large image sizes you need to make your template as wide as possible and then use the one column setting. The latter is a bit of a nuisance as a lot of important information is either pushed to the bottom of the page or hidden on other pages.

  10. Ah, I see Alan Burnett already gave the solution to your problem. I've noticed blogger also has a new configurationthingy that you can choose. Perhaps that makes it easier. Otherwise you have to go to your find the html of your chosen design and look for #outer-wrapper, #main-wrapper and #sidebar-wrapper. You can change the width of all those, as long as you don't go over the total width of your screen of course ;-) I know, it sounds difficult, but I've done it for my Brinkbeestinenglish blog too and I'm a total dummy.
    And I use Windows Live Writer for publishing in Blogger and that is a whole lot easier to layout if you use images and text. I promise you. But perhaps the new blogger layout thingy is easier to use too.
    Good luck!
