
Thursday, 23 September 2010

Green tea?

As I've observed before, there is always something new and different to see in Saltaire, no matter how many times I walk through the village. As I was on my way out of the "Ghosts" exhibition I mentioned a couple of days ago, I spotted (sorry!) this cheerful container. The plant is perhaps a little past its best but it still made an eye-catching display. You may also note the rare (for this area) brick outhouse in the background. They wouldn't allow that to be built nowadays, in the conservation area.


  1. Now, there's a sight to brighten any day!

  2. You are right about Saltaire. There can't be many places that could serve as the source of such a varied and entertaining "photo-a-day" approach as yours. "Brighouse Photo A Day" does not have the right feel about it somehow.

  3. This really is a very cool find!

  4. Very cheerful!

    In my part of the world, an outhouse is a privy or outdoor lavatory. Is that what this is or is it what we would call an outbuilding -- for other uses.

  5. What would be fun to see (for perspective) would be you, sitting aside the planter sipping a cup of tea! That is definitely a big ole bright cup of green tea right there! ~Lili

  6. It's quite a cute idea for a planter.

  7. You spotted a sweet one, Jenny! (Sorry too!) :-D
