
Friday, 3 September 2010

VM from the riverside

This is the riverside view of the Victoria Mills apartment complex, showing the new-build blocks. There must be a fabulous panorama from those top penthouses - right up the Aire Valley, with a wonderful view over Saltaire and Salts Mill.

When I hanker after a compact, easy to maintain home (instead of a 110+ year old house with lots of steep stairs) I wonder what it would be like to live here. But if
, like me, you don't have a car, these flats are actually in quite an isolated position and I wouldn't much fancy walking home in the dark from the railway station. Though it would be handy for work, being right next door!


  1. The architects seem to have got the design to a sympathetic level. Hard to say, without being there, on the spot. The colour of the building looks right, too.

    Stick with your steep stairs, as long as you possibly can. At 110+ years, your house has a lot going for it.

  2. Maybe 'right next door' would be a little *too* handy for work, though I do agree the flats look extremely smart! I like to see modern buildings with a lot of glass; light and airy.

  3. Nice as the Victoria Mills complex might be, I have doubts that in a 150 years time it will become a World Heritage site.

  4. This kind of modern building is quite unusual on your blog; to tell you the true, I don't like it and would not like to live there..But I'm sure that the people on the top are enjoying a fabulous view!

  5. My parents had a few high rise apartments. It was fun to see a duck or goose fly by, but there is more change seen around a house. The view stayed the same after a bit, even with the seasonal change.

  6. The old house and steep stairs seem much nicer to me!

  7. I'm glad you have shown us the whole complex. What a lovely location! Great composition, Jenny!
