
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Backstone Beck

(Best viewed large)
One of the little becks that flows down off Ilkley Moor.  A 'beck' is another word for a stream, and is commonly used in the north of England.  You can see from the picture how the valley sides climb steeply from the town and then level off into a plateau.  Further up, there are mysterious stones carved with cup-and-ring markings, dating from the Bronze Age, and a 2000-year-old stone circle called the Twelve Apostles.  Sadly, I didn't have time to go as far as that on my walk.


  1. This is an other very romantic place.. I'm able to imagine a Brontë's character enjoying a stroll in that kind of place.
    and I'm glad to have learned a new word today!

  2. I love the way you've framed this photograph. Also, interesting to learn about the Twelve Apostles.

  3. Really romantic! Beautiful place.

  4. A beautiful view of the landscape and the stones in the beck. We call it a "beek" in Dutch, almost the same.

  5. wonderful landscape!! congratulations!

  6. The scene lets me feel refreshment.

    Wonderful photography. . .

    Thank you.

  7. Roll on full retirement! This is a lovely scene and definitely worth enlarging.

  8. This is a great photo with a variety of foreground interest and the distant town in the picture. I am currently re-connecting with the Yorkshire hills and friends there. I haven't quite made it that far south yet but look forward to when they arrange a walk on Ilkley moor bah .... !!

  9. Beautiful! And I didn't know what a 'beck' was, so thank you for the lesson! :)

  10. What a beautiful spot, beautifully rendered in your photo. My daughter is now working in London so I get occasional excuses to visit the UK. Must put your locale on the list for a visit!

  11. A beautiful photo! Isn't there a song about Ilkley Moor?

  12. You've captured a very lovely scene here. I especially like that you can see the town in the distance.

  13. A beautiful scene Jenny ! Had to just stare at it a while. England`s on my list of places to visit - closest I`ve been was passing through Heathrow - next time it will have to be the destination !

  14. Such a lovely place! I love the depth in that photo!

    B xx

  15. Best viewed larger is right! Such a pretty beck.
