
Saturday 16 October 2010


Lovely brightly coloured notebooks and sketch pads for sale in the 1853 Gallery in Salts Mill, nicely complementing the turquoise Burmantofts pottery vase.  I'm sure it's not just me... I love empty notebooks!  There's a kind of sensuous pleasure in them.  You can perhaps see why I try to leave my purse at home when I go exploring in the Mill!

STOP PRESS: No-one was exploring very far in Saltaire on Thursday.  Part of the village was evacuated when thieves stole copper gas pipes and caused a massive gas leak.  (How stupid and thoughtless can you get?)  I missed all the excitement as I was at work and by the time I came home the drama was over, but the local paper, The Telegraph & Argus, reported it (see here).


  1. I love empty notebooks too...the newness, the promise of what's to come, the memory of school days. These are especially inspiring!

  2. I love notebooks mostly when they are empty for the exact same thing.

    Hope you're having a good weekend!

    B x

  3. How studidly crazy can you get? (The copper gas pipe thieves that is.)

    I love notebooks too. The clean first page makes me want to grab a pen and start writing.

  4. You think you're living in a quiet and safe place, and those stupid {#:ù/*µ} come and almost destroy it! In what world do we live?!
    I love notebooks! I have plenty of them, and the ones you're showing are great!

    PS: for music, I'm not on commission, but it seems I should! :)

  5. I'm always picking up empty notebooks, but I never buy them, unless they are the very small kind I keep in my purse to write things I need/want to remember. I just don't write without a keyboard anymore.

    Your thieves are not creative; they are a few years behind the high price times for "recycled" (read: stolen) metal|copper. But they seem to be extra dull for stealing pipes in use.

  6. Ooooh drama in Saltaire and you missed it. Hope they fixed the problem quickly.
