
Saturday 20 November 2010


(Click photo to view large for best effect)
I've been playing, adding textures to some of my photos.  I am not very skilled at this yet, to say the least, but it is something I'd like to carry on experimenting with until I have developed more of an 'eye' for this way of working.  I'm always impressed by those creative bloggers whose photos have a 'fine art' feel to them: Chasity at The Road Less Traveled and Lisa at Red-Willow Photography are two whose work I really admire.  They each have their own styles but both take stunning photos and their processing skills are superb.  I really enjoy visiting their blogs and I urge you to take a look at them too.  I've linked this to a little project at another very talented photographer's blog: What Karen Sees - so why don't you have a wander over there too?  We're all in this together, encouraging and learning from each other.  That's what I like about blogland.

Anyway, here's a scene that will be very familiar to my local readers and probably to those further afield too.  It must be one of Saltaire's most photographed views, looking down Albert Terrace from Victoria Road.


  1. Oh I love your experiment! This sky is so beautiful and so interesting. And thank you so much for helping me figure out my post today!!!! Many hugs!

  2. It is lovely, Jenny. I like seeing what others do, but all I do is crop mine and maybe make a few adjustments to the contrast or brightness. The other effects take more time or skill or creativity than I have.

    I loved your comment on my blog today. Here's a big hug for you.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Jenny, that is so beautiful. Great job on the editing.

  4. In my humble opinion I think you've done an outstanding job! I like the effect.

  5. I had a wander and I love the photos at Red Willow Photography.
    You're so right about encouraging and learning from each other.

    Have you heard anything about the competition yet? I haven't missed it have I?

  6. That is really very good indeed. To achieve a good effect you need the right kind of image to start out with - one that meets your chosen effect half way there so to speak. Yours does this admirably.

  7. Very nicely done. You've inspired me to do some more experimenting.

  8. Like Jack, I do little more than crop because of time constraints. This is interesting, and the first time I've seen this view.

  9. This is beautiful, great job indeed, Jenny!

  10. I love the picture you got! I'm unable to do such lovely things with my computer:(( . I'll visit your friends blogs, maybe I'll become a little more talented!
    Have a nice week-end!

  11. If you ask me, this effect looks very professional and really enhances that lovely scene. I enjoyed taking a peek at the other photography links you provided and I agree, each of them have developed their own style as well. Each very different, but all very lovely. ~Lili

  12. Beautiful shot and texturing -- are you using PhotoShop?
