
Thursday 25 November 2010

Rochdale canal

Since the weather is a bit wintry right now and I am running out of photos (!), this seems like a good time to revisit some sunshine and show some pictures I didn't have the opportunity to post over the summer.  This was taken in August in Hebden Bridge - just over the moors, about 15 miles from Saltaire, in the next valley of Calderdale.  It's appropriate timing too, as the town has just won an award for the Best Town in Britain. The canal that runs through its heart and helps make it a very attractive place is the Rochdale Canal, winding its way from Manchester through to Sowerby Bridge.  The town is sited in a narrow valley and grew up around a river crossing over Hebden Water, becoming industrialised when wool and cotton mills were developed in the 19th century.


  1. A beautiful place and a great photograph Jenny.

  2. It's a funny old place, Hebden Bridge.

  3. The picture seems out of time!nothing really modern around. No wonder the city got this award, and people living there may be proud of it!

  4. What a beautiful view this is. I would love to see scenes like this in person some day!

  5. This is lovely; a lot of interest for those who linger a little.

  6. Beautiful scenic. I would never guess this was in the UK, looks more like Germany or Switzerland.

    Thanks for your visit and holiday wishes.

  7. Beautiful! How lovely to see a bit of sunshine and greenery!

  8. Beautiful! sigh. Saltaire reminds me of the book, 'North and South' by Elizabeth Gaskell. I can't get over how close together the villages are there! In our part of Wisconsin, we drive 50 miles just to so major grocery shopping.

  9. A lovely composition of prettiness, beautiful photo Jenny right down to the swans on the river. Had a great Thanksgiving thank you, just came back from daughter-in-law's parents home and ate too much of course. I'll have to do a lot of walking this weekend. Have a great one.

  10. Have you ever traveled on a narrow boat? We thought about it once but the money wasn't there...

  11. That's an idyllic image, Jenny... Sounds like Alan B has a story or two to tell! :-D

  12. We received our first snow today here and that summer scene sure looks inviting to me too! ~Lili

  13. I like this one. I have dreams of someday taking a barge trip, but I am very tall and I worry about whether I would fit.

    Congratulations on the recognition for this town. Have a great weekend.
