
Sunday 7 November 2010


Last Sunday I featured a beautiful old packhorse bridge in Bingley, handbuilt by two local masons in 1723 and still standing proudly over Harden Beck.  Fast forward 280+ years and we find this bridge in Shipley, carrying a service road over the Leeds-Liverpool Canal to the office block on the left and the rear entrance of the Salts Mill complex.  It fulfils much the same purpose as a packhorse route, I suppose, but oh, how it lacks the grace and workmanship of the older bridge.... Ah well, the reflections are pretty.

The other side of this bridge (interestingly the other side is clad in stone, out of respect for the view) can just be seen on the left of my competition entry photo....  

Um... have I told you about that?  ;-)   You'll be relieved to know that this is going to be my LAST plea for votes!  The voting closes tomorrow so if you haven't voted yet, please do it quickly!!  See my post for Saturday 30 October or click here to vote.  Thank you!  xx


  1. When will you hear the results of this round of short listing? Or is the next announcement straight to final results for the winner and chosen images (calendar wasn't it?.) I do hope you are successful!

  2. Another beautiful photo. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. Worthy of publication. I've added my vote

  4. Lovely picture in spite of the less than lovely bridge!

  5. Sadly, I missed a chance to vote for you Jenny. You so deserve to win! ~Lili
