
Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Playground mosaics

You may remember that last year I showed how the children's playground in Saltaire had been revamped.  It was a beneficiary of money that was earmarked for community projects, from the sale of Leeds-Bradford Airport to a private operator.  The new playground seems to have been welcomed by the local kids.  It is especially popular with mums of very young children, as there is a part specially for the little ones, and the mums can sit on the seats and chat while the kids play.  There is a winding path through the centre from one side to the other and at intervals there are squares of colourful ceramic mosiacs, which on close inspection are rather attractive.  Oldies like me are not supposed to enter the playgound (unless accompanied by a child under 14) and, since I don't yet have a tame grandchild, I had to sneak in when no-one (appeared to be) looking, to get these photos.  The top one is a mosaic of several of the designs and the lower picture is a close up of just one of them.

Study them closely...the more you look, the more you'll see.... animals and plants, Salts Mill, the New Mill (or maybe it's the Victoria Hall tower?), the Church, houses.....  They'd make a good project for a 'brass rubbing' technique, I would think.


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL things to have in their play ground for Saltaire kids, hope they can appreciate how valuable these floor they were playing on (later perhaps??) ... and I also loved to see 'dreich' photo, who gave life to You Tube documentary I've seen about your park.
    It's really nice to be able to see Saltaire under every weather conditions - including heavy rain ... might be not very nice for you but I can see different colors of your sky, river water etc... it makes my 'virtual visite' even more vivid!!

  2. Were they made by local children? On our revamped railway stations there are random tiles that have been painted by local children. You've given me an idea for a post.

  3. Jenny, our special secret agent into kindergardens! :o)
    i'm glad you dared! and no wonder those mosaics attract the little ones, they are very colorful and offer many things to look at!

  4. Nice and colourful! I like things like these where there is a lot to discover.

  5. These are terrific. Nice to see so much trouble being taken with the design for a playground. So important.

  6. I llike Malyss' comment: Jenny, our secret agent!!! The mosaics are beautiful and intricate.

  7. They are very attractive with so much to find! Were they made by local youngsters?

  8. These are wonderful. That is something I would be proud to have in my garden!

  9. These are just lovely! How I would have loved to play somewhere with such brilliance when I was small!

    How sad has our world become when there are rules such as no oldies allowed unless accompanied by a child? It's a sad sign of our danger/fear filled times I think.


  10. Thanks for venturing in there for us! These are fun works of art! ~Lili

  11. Totally fantastic and delightful!
