
Friday 11 February 2011


The 1853 Gallery is only one of several galleries in Salts Mill, Saltaire.  There are gallery spaces on both the third and fourth floors.  Unlike the 1853 Gallery, which has a permanent exhibition, the other spaces have visiting exhibitions, by David Hockney and by other artists and craftspeople too.  In order, I suppose, to protect artworks that would be damaged by too much light, the galleries are shaded with blinds. The third floor has this lively red and white fabric, called 'Punchinello' (if I remember rightly) and designed by David Hockney.

[For those readers who have come to my blog more recently, the artist David Hockney was born in Bradford and studied at Bradford College of Art.  After many years of living in California, he now lives for much of the time on the Yorkshire coast. He was a personal friend of the late Jonathan Silver, the man who bought and redeveloped Salts Mill in the 1980s when it fell derelict after the textile business closed down.  The 1853 Gallery - the largest single collection of Hockney's work anywhere in the world - was the first part of the Mill to be reopened. There's more info if you click the David Hockney label below. ]


  1. I absolutely love this photograph, and Hockney is a favourite of mine.

  2. The red is almost giving a chinese mood!David Hockney's work and Salt mills match strangely very well together, even coming from so different ages and styles!

  3. Great shot, it works well in colour.

  4. It is a striking photo with the artistic shades. That info about the mill was good I must have missed it earlier. How terrific to buy it and turn it into a museum/art gallery. The towns folk must have been very happy.

  5. The pattern and colours of the blind and the paintwork on the wall combine together wonderfully.

  6. I didn't realise that Hockney had moved to the coast - though I knew he spent a lot of time around there and his Wolds watercolours from a few years ago are fantastic.

    It really is time I came back to Salt's Mill. I've not been for a couple of years now.

  7. Looks like people dancing, running, jumping, suits fabric, wallpaper. Very good photo. Still a trace of vertical distortion though. Darn camera lens!

  8. Compelling shot. There's a Hockney exhib in York at the moment.

  9. At first glance, the effect looks like an Islamic pattern! It's certainly bright and cheerful.

  10. The curtains are quite unusual with their little red figures. Thanks for the info about David Hockney. I'm probably the guilty newcomer to your blog who asked about him.

  11. Beautiful photo, Jennyfreckles! From California to Yorkshire must have been quite a change...

  12. I like the light and shapes of this photo!

  13. I love the color in this photo! I would love to see Hockney's work in person.
