
Friday 18 March 2011

Birds in a blue sky

Something about a blue sky with a few fluffy white clouds makes my heart sing.... and never more so than when it forms the backdrop to the sunlit stone of the World Heritage Site of Saltaire.  Here you can see the tower of the New Mill peeping up above the administrative block of Salts Mill.  The Pace logo, of the telecommunications company that now occupies much of the mill complex, reminds us that this is not just an old historic site 'pickled in aspic' but a living, working community with several very successful businesses at its heart.  The birds flying overhead are mostly gulls - not the seaside type but the ubiquitous black-headed gulls that can be seen all over the UK, including right here in the middle of the country in Pennine Yorkshire.  They like to sit on the mill roof in the sunshine and every so often they swoop off in flight - just, it seems, for the joy of it.

This is my contribution to Skywatch Friday.  For more skies from all over the world, click here.


  1. Very nice - I agree about blue skies and fluffy clouds. Have a good weekend.

  2. Beautiful!
    I woke up to a white world again this morning, just as I thought spring was finally making a breakthrough...

  3. You do live in a lovely place. MUST come back there soon!

  4. Oh, this is perfect for Sky Watch Friday!

    I sky, clouds and birds...perfect!

  5. Lovely picture Jenny. Those little white clouds against a bright blue sky always make me think of jigsaw puzzles, I suppose when faced with such a mass of uniform blue sky in a puzzle, the irregularity of clouds is a puzzle-solvers' dream.

  6. Wonderful photograph, Jenny! Just goes to prove the point...we really should always have a camera to hand for those once off captures :)

    I hope you and you Mum are doing OK under the circumstances?

    Take care!

  7. Nice to have lots of birds. Here we have gulls too, mostly ring-billed gulls. We are trying Blogspot once again with a new one. It is at:-

  8. Ah Ha! So that's where those gulls went then!! ;)
    Have a great week-end, hope your Mum's feeling better.

  9. Oh, to swoop in flight just for the joy of it!!

  10. Beautiful! Love to see the birds enjoying their flight ability. Imagine being able to fly!!

    You might enjoy watching this bird.

  11. Gulls are such acrobatic fliers. They are always a joy to watch!

  12. Lovely shot - great sky, super buildings!

  13. Beautiful photo...I forgot you had this blog too. Glad I stopped by!

  14. I love everything about your photograph ... the composition, colors, and movement all work so well together. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Wonderful sky and birds over that great building!
    Wish you a happy sunday
