
Saturday 5 March 2011

Cheese & Chutney

'Cheese & Chutney' is a great little delicatessen on Gordon Terrace in Saltaire.  I popped in to buy some blue cheese.  Spoilt for choice, I ended up with some Jervaulx Blue, made in Wensleydale (one of the Yorkshire Dales) to a recipe perfected by French monks who settled in the valley and founded Jervaulx Abbey in the 1100s.  Very delicious it is too - creamy, smooth and mellow.

'Cheese & Chutney', founded by Matthew Coxon about three years ago, was originally called 'Coxon's Kitchen'.  A trademark clash with a TV chef with the same name forced the shop to change its title last year.  The resulting publicity was, I think, no bad thing in the end.  The delicatessen seems to have gone from strength to strength and they seem to have benefited from focusing on cheese and chutney as their two main selling points.  They even supply wedding cakes made of cheese!

It's one of those shops you can happily browse in. You can select from over 40 UK and continental cheeses and 50+ chutneys and also buy artisan breads, cakes (try the wonderful chocolate brownies), olives, antipasti, cured meats, interesting store-cupboard ingredients and cookware.  They make up beautiful gift hampers too.  Matt has recently started supplying gluten-free products to order, sourced from a supplier in Leyburn in Wensleydale.  If you're in the area, I highly recommend you visit the shop, drool (though not over the produce!) and take a bag full of yummy things home with you.

I just happened in when Matt was rewriting his signboard and he happily smiled for the photographer.  I'm counting this as number two in my 'be brave and get people you don't know to pose for a photo' challenge! (The first being the KWVR train-driver last month).  Thanks Matthew!


  1. Now, that is absolutely my kind of shop!! I love freshly baked bread, assorted cheeses, pickles and chutneys. Served with fresh fruit on a nice platter and with a glass of chilled wine, it becomes a veritable feast!

    Cheese & Chutney looks and sounds top-notch! Well done to Matt & what a happy, welcoming smile :) Wish it were possible for me to pop in...just a tad too far, I'm afraid :(

  2. I've had some rather tasty Wensleydale and cranberry from that deli, and a slice of Yorkshire Blue!

  3. Still haven't got over to Saltaire, but this adds to the drawing power of the town. It's a lovely, bright shot.

  4. Oh how wonderful. I'd make myself a ploughman's.

  5. What a great shop window! Very attractive! as well as Matthew is!:)

  6. Very nice! How I would love to be able to browse in the shop! And I love Wensleydale cheeses. Could you please tell me how to pronounce Jervaulx? (as in Abbey). I have read that it's pronounced JAR-viss. Is that true???

    So glad you're getting people to pose for the photo shoot. How nice!

  7. What a charming shop! I was to do some browsing in there! :) I bet Matthew has a bit more business after the locals read your post here! :) Nice that he smiled for the camera!

  8. Looks like my kind of place! I love the catchy name.

  9. He's a cheery chap with a lovely smile. Oh I wish we had such a shop where we live! I love chutney and I bet he sells goat's cheese,(actually not my favourite I love any cheese but alas dairy/wheat intolerant now) It looks like a great shop I shall definitely call in when I get to visit, I promise not to drool! ;))

  10. They say that the subject reflects the mood and expression of the photographer. You must have been smiling nicely at him! Just telling myself to stop drooling over the produce- too bad we'll never make it there!

  11. Very lovely!Delicious post! I find people often enjoy being photographed at work and are flattered by the attention.I like to do a series so that they can pose as they like and then we get to the really interesting shots.

  12. Sounds like my kind of shop! Nice photo.

  13. I have a feeling that when word gets out there just may be a lot of folks clamoring to get their photograph taken by you! Another great "person" capture. ~Lili

  14. Another very nice portrait, Jenny. See? It isn't hard, is it? You are motivating all of us. I like his shop.

  15. the name of the shop is enough to make your mouth water.. *yum* *yum* cheece, chutney and thick bread doorstep sandwich --oooooo

  16. Delicatessen shops are one of my favourites. Along with DIY ones (and I don't even do any DIY, but I do eat). So many interesting things on offer. I love it that you included the proud owner in this shot ;-)

  17. Hi Jenny, like your picture. Have been thinking along same lines regarding asking strangers to pose for camera, have always found it really awkward but have decided that the more you do it, the easier it should be.
    Will have to visit the cheese shop next time I'm in Saltaire, I'm a Wensleydale man mylelf, but have been known to stray into other cheeses.

  18. Was in Bradford today with probably the rest of the Yorkshire brass band fraternity - we popped over to salts mill during lunch, love the David Hockney gallery - picked up a few goodies Inc one of those hessian bags - great day out

  19. Great looking shop. I am a HUGE scheese and chutney fan! xxxx
