
Sunday 20 March 2011

Diamonds and setts

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and though a humble manhole cover may not be the most obviously photogenic feature on a Saltaire street, nevertheless, nestled among the granite setts I find it has a certain attractiveness.


  1. I like the setting that the manhole cover is in, and it makes it look like a type of coin almost.

  2. The way you've presented this, it certainly is elevated from pavement manhole cover to attractive artform!

    Well done, Jenny...and for making us all a LOT more aware of the visual appeal of very ordinary, everyday things, most of us don't even see!!!

  3. The camera does have a magic eye sometimes, doesn't it?

  4. This is a marvellous shot.
    Hope your Mum is okay.

  5. Too bad they don't make these covers in Saltaire, and have to import from Shipley. Too bad you don't have a boom to take it from helicopter view. Too bad we don't know the craftsman whose expertise made the cover and laid the cobbles. Too bad I want to know too much!
    Jenny you like the same compositions as I do: straight and right angles with the odd circle and diamond thrown in....nice photo.

  6. What cool colors. Nice find!

  7. Nicely done. I enjoy the simple photos.

  8. Thanks for popping by today, Jenny! I have been thinking about you and your Mum on a daily visits to your blog ensure that I do!

    Just wanted to stop by here again and drop off a (((HUG)))

    Take care!!!

  9. Oh, I agree! Very nice! Why can't they all look like that!? :)

  10. That would make a great rubbing!

  11. I like it! And a new word - sett.

  12. Watching the Roadshow from Saltaire as I write this

  13. Utilitarian art is so neat.

  14. Even that makes a beautiful photo. Aren't you thankful that you have an eye that sees beauty where others take no notice.

  15. Now that is a handsome setting for a manhole cover. I always learn new words from you! ~Lili

  16. I agree with you on the beauty. Love the interplay of textures here.

  17. The strukture and colour are very inspired. Hugs from Luzia.

  18. I've missed seeing your photos, Jenny,(not a whole lot of time for blogging/leaving comments these days), but have to tell you how super this image of the manhole cover amidst the sets is... real urban art. in the eye of the beholder, indeed.
