
Wednesday 16 March 2011


Parking in Saltaire is a perennial problem. The big main car park, which visitors are supposed to use, is sited behind Salts Mill and thus a fair walk from the village itself.  Those in the know make for one of the two small car parks near the centre of the village, or attempt to park on the streets.  The problem with that is that nearly all the streets in the village are resident-only permit parking.  You might think that, for a short stay, you might risk it... but as my photo shows, there are several 'Parking Services' officers (traffic wardens) who patrol the village - even on a Sunday.  One of these cars, or maybe both, is going to get a ticket. (Perhaps not such a smart car after all!)


  1. It's a perennial problem in our local market town, too. Even at the supermarket, people jostle for spaces right by the door. It seems that walking is 'out' these days.

  2. Not Smart at all. We are lucky in our village/suburb there is always somewhere to park in the free parkng lots near the shops. However in the city that is different. No spaces and very expensive.

  3. I wish my street WAS residents only!

  4. Parking sure is a problem, more and more cars. We wouldn't want folk not to visit but where the heck do they park their vehicles? Our residential road looks like a car-park most days!

  5. SHAME ON YOU! I detected a touch of glee as you clicked your camera to capture this 'capture' :)

  6. I never mind paying for parking, but sometimes just finding a legal spot to park is a real challenge.

  7. My pet hate is when people who are blatently able bodied, park in the disabled parking spaces! Obviously, they've never had to travel with a wheelchair bound passenger, or they would know how much difficulty their inconsideration can cause! (Sorry, rant over!)

  8. A constant problem here too. I sometimes circle around forever to find a spot!

  9. Add my town to the loooong list of places which have no place enough!Interesting to see the different uniforms!

  10. Well done! You caught the horrible ticket person! Not too recognisable though fortunately. You erased the number plate wisely, as I did on my photos of two vehicles going the wrong way around a traffic circle in Canada.....

  11. Uh oh, the situation doesn't look good, but the image looks great. ~Lili

  12. I think that this ia very funny me, it looks as though the cars are facing each other, and clearly one is parked the wrong way to do that! Very funny!
