
Saturday 30 April 2011

Come and join the celebration!

Saltaire put a bit of bunting out to celebrate the wedding of HRH Prince William and Catherine Middleton on Friday.  It was all rather low-key locally ... a lot of us Brits are fairly reserved about that kind of thing and, as far as I know, there were no street parties in the immediate area.  I sense that there has been as much excitement in Australia, Canada and even in the States.  I know of some American ladies who travelled to London, not to attend the wedding on the processional route but to watch it on our TV channels!  I love a big occasion though, and watched the whole thing on BBC TV with some friends - pink lemonade and all. (Pre-lunch seemed a bit too early for champagne!)  I thought it was all really brilliant.  I enjoy the ceremonial: the guards and the horses, the bands and the carriages, all the colour and ceremony.  I like the sense of history unfolding and the layers of symbolism, the links with the past but also in this wedding a real sense of optimism for the future. William and Kate both looked stunning and the marriage service in Westminster Abbey was beautiful. (I was particularly moved by Kate's brother James's masterly reading from St Paul's Letter to the Romans.)  They seem a lovely young couple and I do sincerely hope theirs will be a long and deeply happy marriage.  May God bless them both.

Pictures from BBC TV

PS: Possibly the cutest and most amusing of the photos I've seen of the wedding is this one.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the Wedding! Neat we chose a link to the same photo! (the balcony kiss by Darren Staples)

  2. I got up at 5:00am to watch and it was well worth it! Such a beautiful couple.

  3. I did love that photo you linked us too. The little girl did not look like she was having anywhere near as much fun as everyone else seems to be having.

  4. I didn't watch the TV coverage but from the photos on the Internet, I thought that Kate's bridesmaid was amazingly beautiful -- especially in the pic where she is walking between two little girls. Stunning!

  5. I am at a conference at a hotel in Philadelphia and it was all anyone talked about at breakfast. Many people got up at 5 to watch it. I watched most and enjoyed the pomp and circumstance. Westminster absolutely glistened, and the couple looked wonderful. I agree with all of the sentiments you express.

  6. oh! the wedding was bliss and magical. ^-^
    not only was the dress so kelly-esque, the beautiful carriage, but the whole ceremony was something worth watching,
    even here, we're excited to see how it turned out.
    best wishes and congrats to the newlyweds. ^-^

  7. We watched it and we felt that the English rally know how to put on pomp and ceremony. Loved all the colour and exuberance of the crowds. I couldn't help feeling it was like a huge fancy dress ball. Some of the fashions were over the top. I loved the traditional uniforms. The grumpy little bridesmaid had me in stitches.

  8. I was in front of my TV and Skynews from the beginning till the end! We all need to dream, and we had a real dream to look at for once!They both were gorgeous! and the poor little girl must have had a hard day!But the picture is so cute!:)

  9. Ok. Time to confess ythat I didn't watch any of the wedding; though I did listen to some of it on radio 4 as I was driving up to Stanage to collect elder son.

  10. Yesterday was a fun day for Americans, even those of us who got up way too early in order to witness this event. I couldn't get over how orderly the crowd was! It might have been a good day to visit the Tower of London down on the other end, unless it was closed, of course.

  11. I watched it as a rerun in the afternoon - I am not at my best at 5am so didn't get up to see the live show. It was repeated all day long on TV here.

  12. Amazing wedding and beautiful shot.

  13. I watched as much as I was able and loved everything I saw. You've given a marvellous account here, Jenny. And I love all of the photos you've shared :)

  14. Oh it was just magical to watch, can't image being there in person! I had not seen that image of the kiss with the little girl before, that's so great!! ~Lili
