
Saturday, 23 April 2011

Stone carving

This craftsman is a member of The West Riding Stone Carving Association.  They were giving demonstrations of their craft in Roberts Park as part of Saltaire's World Heritage celebrations. The Stone Carving Association, based in Halifax, was founded in 2009 by a group of individuals who shared a common interest and wanted to promote their craft to the wider community.  As well as demonstrating their skills at events like the one in Saltaire, they provide workshop facilities, support and training so that these vital traditional skills continue to flourish.  The craftsman shown was carving a crest of thistles - and below are other examples of their work!


  1. It's nice to see such traditional skills being kept alive. It's also interesting that the stone he's carving is so pale.

  2. Carving seems like it would be so difficult! Unlike other arts, where you add and add until you get the desired affect, with carving you take away just what isn't needed. If you take away too much, you can't repair it. It's so fascinating to me.

  3. It's very good to see traditional skills being kept alive.

  4. I spoke to one of these chaps, interesting stuff. I liked the under this sod..

  5. It always seems to be magical - so difficult!

  6. It is a great art and wonderful to see it still being practised and taught. I like the sense of humour.
