
Tuesday 31 May 2011


Meanwhile, back in Saltaire, construction has started on the Jane Hills site that I mentioned a few weeks ago.  It is going to be an orthodontics factory for Ortho-Care (UK) Ltd.  (See article in local paper).  There is actually (so far anyway) quite a wide space left between the new building and the old cottages, which I assume will be a car park.  Even so, the view will be altered forever.  The local residents have put up quite a lot of opposition over the years to prevent an office block being built on the site - but in the end they didn't win their fight.

I think the frame looks like a giant Meccano set.  (Do you remember Meccano? Being a girl, I never got a set but I always wanted one!  When I was a kid, it used to be made of metal.  I think they still make construction sets but these days they're plastic and the firm has diversified into models and suchlike.)


  1. That always makes me so angry when they built ugly modern things in the middle of old buildings ! We have the same here too.

  2. There used to be a little false teeth factory just down the road from where I lived in Sheffield in the 1980s. As i walked home each evening there would be trays of feebly baked false teeth drink on the bench you could see through the window. They are probably more high tech these days but it might be worth pointing your camera through the window once it is open.

  3. I hav ebeen on holiday for a week, so have missed some of the developments with this building. It has made me so sad to walk past it every morning. I just can't think why Bradford MBC have allowed it to be built. Surely this area is in the WH site? It is just awful, the poor people in the old houses.

  4. I'm so sorry for the cottages behind.. I remember Meccano.real BOYS toys!

  5. Meccano! :-))) I almost forgot it!

  6. I well remember Meccano, my brother had a set.

    You're spot on, my header photo is Budliegh Salterton, we love that little place and always visit when we're down there.

    I'm glad the photo exhibition went well for you all.

  7. I don't remember Meccano, but I'm wondering if it's like an erector set toy they used to sell here in the U.S. That's definitely what it reminds me of! ~Lili
