
Sunday 31 July 2011

Saltaire Archive

Saltaire's archive of photos, documents and memorabilia is usually opened to the public once a year and this year it's from 1st to 12th August (presumably including the weekend, though the poster doesn't specify.)  It would be well worth a visit if you're in the area.  There is a permanent display in Salts Mill but it shows only a fraction of what is stored.  There are new treasures arriving all the time too.  Our local paper's write-up promises the 1897 diary of one of the village residents.

I like the poster.  The main picture shows the Saltaire boathouse and the pleasure steamer that used to give people short rides on the river.   The school may be Saltaire's factory school or the primary school on Albert Road, then there is the old postcard of Salt's Mill (you can recognise the New Mill's chimney) and finally Sir Titus Salt himself - with a splendid beard!


  1. Absolutely beautiful!!
    Loved it...
    Have a fabulous sunday:)

  2. How apt that Sir Titus should look so much like Father Christmas. I trust that one day, if not already, your photos will form part of the archive.

  3. I adore old pictures and archives exhibits! I hope you can go , I'm sure there will be treasures to discover!

  4. I like those old photos on the poster. I bet you will enjoy the expo.

  5. It looks so interesting! I wish I could go.

  6. Loved the poster; wish we could be there! Jim

  7. I was expecting admission to be 1/- shilling judging from the age of the photos! That photo of Sir T looks like the image of GBS but I expect they all looked like that then. Today the stylish have a bald head and a one-week beard!

  8. This expo would be so interesting to visit - Love the old poster!

  9. Now that would be a must see exhibit.

  10. Next year's poster should feature your photographs. Get working on it!

  11. The poster appears to be a very fine representation of Saltaire, but seeing your images on there would be even better! ~Lili
