
Saturday 16 July 2011

Saturday story

Wet weekends are a pain for a dedicated photo blogger.... two precious days off work and no chance to get out and take photos... The only solution is to try an idea pioneered by my lovely and very creative blogfriend, Betsy, over at 'My Five Men'  and document my day's activities.  I'm sure she won't mind being copied - it's fun to see how other people spend their days.

Click to enlarge

1 Oops, a late start... a Saturday lie-in is a treat (Note special vibrating alarm clock for deaf person assumes person also blind... has numbers 2 inches high)  2 First cup of tea is the best!   3 Yup, it's rainin'   4 Breakfast: Puffed rice, some of 'Betsy's granola' (she's a star, that girl!) and some juice   5 Shower, wash hair, paint toenails   6 Load the washing machine   7 Get the Marigolds on and clean the bathroom   8 Wrap gift for a friend   9 Change bedding; love the way it looks all clean and love even more sliding into clean sheets at bedtime   10 Still rainin'   11 Lunch: homemade mushroom soup, ciabatta with blue cheese and more tea   12 Off to help celebrate a friend's retirement   13 Sneaked a peek inside the church where friend has been vicar for 25 years   14 Wishing you a long & happy retirement, Gordon & Lis   15 Negotiating the Bradford inner ring road (the lovely old building opposite is the Paper Hall, the oldest house in Bradford, built in 1640) - note sudden but short-lived blue sky  16 More traffic lights   17 Supermarket shop on the way home   18 Sit down with a cup of frothy coffee and a chapter of my book  19  Take out trash and check how the garden looks after all that rain   20 Watch tea-time TV News   21 Catch up on the ironing   22 What's for dinner? Chicken curry   23 Old-fashioned washing-up   24 Time for blogging :)


  1. That was great fun! A busy day.

  2. OH this was so much fun! Now I see why I got a good response to really is a delight to see simple chores turned into art. I'm happy to see my granola, too! Mmmmm!

    Your toenails look marvelous!
    And I agree...slipping inbetween fresh sheets at night is one of the best feelings!

  3. A busy day. Where was the nap?

  4. Hardly a chance to pause for breath, but not a moment wasted. Nice post.

  5. Funny and great post! That shows that even during days "off", we, women, are very busy!!

  6. After having read all this I am breathless and have to rest !
    I too have a Saturday fun post.

  7. I suppose it was a busy day but it didn't feel rushed, quite leisurely really. No time for a nap, Jack! (But I do sometimes doze off for a few minutes on a weekday when I get home from work, I confess!)

  8. What a super idea and your photo montage turned out wonderfully, Jenny! Loved each and every moment captured. I do hope you'll do this again sometime :)

  9. Fun post, and thanks for the new (for me)British colloquialism - Marigolds, eh? Jim

  10. What a clever idea. I may give this a try sometime (though I'd have to work out how to create a montage first - without access to Photo Shop). It would be FUN to do a day in the life of the New Wine Control Office, but I don't honestly think I'd find the time!

  11. What a fun idea... and well executed, Jenny...!

  12. This is such a neat idea for when you are out of a post and I really enjoyed seeing your day! I'll have to remember this when I'm in a pinch.

  13. This is brilliant! What a very clever idea, perfect for a rainy day with no photos. Well done.

  14. What a fun post! I enjoyed catching a glimpse of a typical weekend day for you. ~Lili
