
Saturday 3 September 2011

Messing about on the river

You used to be able to hire rowing boats on rivers and lakes all over the place (even in Saltaire in the good old days) but it seems to be a pastime that is rapidly dying out.  It's alive and well in Knaresborough though, as you'll have seen from my previous photos.  On the beautiful summer's day when I visited, there were lots of families out on the river, enjoying spectacular views of the Victorian viaduct towering above them.  There are at least three different operators offering boats for hire and for a modest sum you can spend a pleasant hour gently cruising up and down.  Everyone gets to be happy... mum gets a well-earned rest, the kids like the novelty and enjoy trailing their hands in the water - and dad gets to show off his muscles!  And for couples, it can be a really romantic interlude (once you've stopped laughing at your partner's inexpertise with the oars, that is!)


  1. What a great way to spend a sunny afternoon!

  2. Hi Jenny, I only began blogging this week and was referred to your site by a good friend Dianne. I like what I've seen so far. Am "hooked" on English scenery, humour, culture and architecture (was greatly blessed to have lived in Oxford for 2 years in times past), so look forward to regularly visiting your site.

  3. "Aah, Ratty!; There's nothing quite like it." Mr. Toad is probably about to drive over the bridge.

  4. Great shot of a great pasttime.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  5. What a wonderful way to pass an hour!

  6. The height of that bridge is amazing! This is such a pretty area. THanks for introducing it me...although I really don't need to add another travel spot to my itinerary!

  7. I want to come! There is something so relaxing about floating out on the water. That looks the like perfect place to spend an afternoon!

  8. I like the composition of this one. It looks tranquil too.

  9. A great place, Jenny, and a great photo. I would enjoy renting one of those boats and getting to know the area from the perspective of the water.

  10. I want to do this! It looks so lovely and relaxing.

  11. This would be such a great spot to explore, except I would like a motor on my boat please. ~Lili

  12. Rowing here in Knaresborough on a sunny summer day would indeed be a peaceful refuge, even among others with the same aim. A lovely point of view, Jenny.
