
Tuesday 27 September 2011

Saltaire Visitor Information Centre

After years of campaigning and many false starts, I am pleased to say that Saltaire now has a 'proper' Visitor Information Centre to assist the thousands of visitors that come to explore the World Heritage Site.  It is magnificently housed in the part of Salts Mill that used to be Sir Titus Salt's private quarters (though he actually lived in Crow Nest near Halifax).  I understand at one time this room was a dining room and it later became the company's boardroom.  It still has a grand fireplace and the furniture has been brought out of storage from Bradford's City Hall.

The Information Centre is well worth a visit, with books and maps not only about Saltaire but about Yorkshire as a whole and various souvenirs for sale.  (The whole room smells deliciously of wool fat soap which is on sale.)  You can also book tickets for Bradford's theatres.  In the Centre and its entrance hall there are photos and displays about the history of Saltaire.  The aerial photo above the fireplace (one of the C H Wood archive) is especially absorbing.  They could do with a better selection of postcards though.  I'm thinking of asking for a commission!


  1. This is the most inviting and cosyest information center I've ever seen!

  2. Personally, I think they should have put the visitors centre at Crows Nest in Brighouse, Visitors could then have jumped on a waiting coach and four and galloped over the hills to Saltaire, just like Titus did.

  3. I think you should ask for a commission. Sell your postcards and note cards on consignment. I'm sure they would find no better photographer for them. Jim

  4. Yes, go ahead Jenny!
    Such a fine cultured information centre!
    That is a very good interior shot.

  5. What a beautiful place to welcome visitors. I'd like to have a look around at the souvenirs. I might need something!

  6. It looks very grand yet homely and so nice to see such a unique visitor centre - So many are the ultra modern sort or look rather tired...

  7. Yes! They would do well to have your photographs of Saltaire for sale in there. I say don't just stop at postcards, some framed prints would be fabulous. Also, I thought I saw some food over on that table and I got a little hungry for a minute. ~Lili

  8. I wish our information centers would look so cozy!

  9. You would be a great postcard photographer for Saltaire. Where do we sign the petition?

  10. Yes, indeed, to the postcard commission! And a book or books of photos!

  11. DO go ask for the commission, Jenny!!!!
