
Monday 5 September 2011

Trompe l'oeil

Knaresborough, when I visited, had just had an Arts Festival.  Dotted all around the town were these rather marvellous trompe l'oeil features, a project that originated as part of the Festival a few years ago but which has been futher developed by Renaissance Knaresborough. (Click on each to really appreciate them).

 A secret tunnel at the railway station..
 Doors and windows..                     

                                            Even Mother Shipton herself!                                               

Apparently the town is well suited to this, as many of the Georgian buildings have 'blind windows' - bricked up windows.  There are various theories about these - maybe they were a way of avoiding window tax, or simply used to keep the symmetry of the buildings without the expense of glass.


  1. These look fab! I have always loved Knaresborough - and your posts have brought back memories for me. It looked a really gorgeous day when you visited. I love the way you are picking up Granny tips. xxxxxx

  2. I like all those trompe-l'oeil, they are really fantastic!

  3. I've seen lots of windows like this but never anything as elaborate as the "tunnel" - fantastic!

  4. The tunnel has to be the winner; there must be a project and a photo-book in there somewhere.

  5. Good idea for the blind windows,

  6. I absolutely love wall murals and the ones you have shared here are so well done, they almost certainly deceived my eyes!

  7. Excellent, Jenny. Maybe those were originally functioning doors and windows but later bricked over when wall space inside was needed more. In the historic neighborhood of German Village in Columbus, Ohio, where I lived for a while, there were many bricked over doors and windows as renovations inside changed things.

  8. That's terrific ! it looks so true !

  9. Those are brilliant. What a great idea.

  10. What extraordinarily gifted artists to produce these amazing works of art. Have to admit that the detail in the tunnel won me over!

  11. What fun and how well done! I love the tunnel!

  12. I love these and the tunnel was my favorite. I hope that these remain throughout the year as they brighten a blank brick wall.

    Perhaps the bricked-up windows were an unintended consequence of "window taxes."


  13. Love trompe l'oeil! Isn't it fun! Thanks for all the photos. Window tax?

  14. These are fascinating! ~Lili

  15. Delightful trompe l'oeil! I enlarged each one.
