
Thursday 6 October 2011


I was enthralled by the patterns of light cast by the stained glass windows upon the honey-coloured stone floor inside Southwell Minster.  You weren't supposed to take photos without a permit but I couldn't resist balancing my camera on a handy chair and taking a quick snap.

I am deeply saddened by the news of the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs at the age of 56.  I have always used Apple computers, even from the earliest days and my current iMac is probably my most treasured possession.  His vision and drive to innovate have touched all our lives.  Isn't it sad that so often it seems that those with the most talent die young?  One wonders what they might have achieved with a longer life.... Sir Titus Salt himself was 50 when he built Saltaire and gave leadership to it for another 20 odd years.  In contrast, his son Titus Jnr ( a great innovator) died at 44.  Jonathan Silver, the entrepreneur whose vision and drive saved Salts Mill (and thus Saltaire) in 1987, died ten years later at the age of 47.  Great men, all of them.


  1. I'm sharing your opinion about great men dying young.. On the contrary, dictators never get cancers, murderers live long in jails. Life is so unfair sometimes!

  2. Oh! I'm so delighted you balanced your camera on the chair and captured this wonderful photo - the deep burnished colours are just beautiful!

  3. It is a mistake to attribute all cancer of the pancreas to heavy drinking. My friend from North-East England had a resection of most of his pancreas and hardly drank at all. He must be over seventy now, and although he has diabetes as a result he is doing just fine. I don't think Steve would have had a liver transplant in UK....
    We are enthralled by his inventions, and also use iMac and iPad. Thanks Steve!

  4. What a beautiful golden color!

    Yes...56...way too young! :(

  5. J'adore ce mélange de couleurs et de matières.

  6. Very nice colors, good balancing act. Yes, Jobs died too young and Apple will never be quite the same without him.

  7. Hello Jenny, So beautiful this photo!!! Calm, quiet ambiance and yet warm orange and purple dansing all together in a square box!! Love it!!

    Agree with you. My japanese friends -lots of them- were talking about their daily life completly changed by the use of his inventions over these 20 last years. Me too, but I ve had my first Apple Mackintosh machine in 84 ... and then had to use japanese NEC stupid computer, then Windows stuff at work for so long before switching completely to Mac since several years.
    To young yes, but great life! He must have had so much fun doing all that!!

  8. Remarkable capture Jenny - one has to grab the opportunities when they present themselves; well done!

  9. So glad you captured this for us. That glow is magnificient! ~Lili

  10. A wonderful picture and so fitting with a tribute to Jobs -- an emptiness but the light remains.

  11. What a beautiful place to take photographs!

  12. I thought this was some kind of light installation... Fantastic!
