
Saturday 1 October 2011


It's officially autumn but, after a disappointing summer, the UK is experiencing a brief but glorious "Indian summer" (why is it called that, I wonder?) of sunny and hot weather.  Perverse!  But we are all making the most of it.  The early mornings have been wonderful: misty and still, with that sense of anticipation in the air that I tend to associate only with holidays in the Mediterranean.  I took a day off on Thursday to enjoy it but I had to go in to work yesterday.  Choosing to walk the long way round by the canal, I was rewarded with this beautiful scene.  OK, it's an industrial unit at the back of Salts Mill but the light made it look rather special.  And it was all so peaceful.

PS: Do you think the BBC reads my blog?  They've helpfully answered my question about 'Indian summer' here.... and interestingly the answer relates to North American Indians and not, as I would have thought, India.


  1. Nice autumn colours and reflection in this shot.

  2. Perfect caption for a perfectly peaceful scene!

  3. This is a lovely capture Jenny, and what an unexpected bonus to your day. Isn't it uplifting when our forays "off the beaten track" provide gems like this! (Thanks for including the answer to the Indian summer puzzle too.)

  4. Before finishing reading your narrative, I, the ever curious and consummate researcher, went to look up Indian Summer. The Wikipedia entry is not as interesting to read as the BBC article, but they do basically say the same thing. Glad you're having one, and got a nice photo to booth. My river shot today looks planets apart. ;-)

  5. Nice shot, Jenny. It captures the mood of Indian Summer nicely. It's the perfect time to enjoy whatever it is that you want to do. And thanks for the BBC link. Jim

  6. Lovely shot! I just got back from the UK last night and had no rain for my whole 3 weeks there. I made it to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and saw everything including the incredible Plensa show that you showed us a while ago!

  7. It was interesting to read the BBC article. I subscribe to the belief they mentioned that Indian Summer comes only after a hard frost (of which we have yet to have here). Although it feels very much like Indian Summer here lately! That scene you captured IS very peaceful. ~Lili

  8. Such a peaceful setting to wake up to.I can use a little bit of this serenity :)

  9. Your photo today is lovely, Jenny.

  10. It really does look so peaceful there.
