
Thursday 24 November 2011


Spotted outside Salts Village Bakery and Tearooms on Saturday morning, this little dog looked as though it was longing for a cuppa.  Or at least to get into the warm fug inside, on what was quite a chilly, misty morning.


  1. A shot like this just proves how important is for a photographer to keep a camera at hand. Poor little thing, looks as though a sausage roll wouldn't go amiss.

  2. love the steamy condensation on the window, reminds me of my Wimpy Bar days in Sheffield too long ago to own up to.

  3. It has the look of a smaller version of Amy : but it can't be her for she would never have agreed to sit calmly outside when there was food and warmth inside. By the way, on my way back from my implant appointment last week I stopped off to have a first look-see at Thornton. We have set ourselves quite a task there.

  4. Aww, poor doggy. I have a soft spot for Border Terriers (I'm pretty sure this is one), since we were on a camp site in Schotland many years ago, and people who were holidaying in their caravan had a litter of the cutest little Border Terriers (and their mum) on vacation with them.

    Well spotted. Nice shot. I like photos that tell a story.

  5. We never never gave our dog a cuppa or a sausage roll. Now as for left-overs that's quite another story!

  6. What a cute little guy - I am a terrier person - love them all!

  7. Oh! that dear little dog - looks as if he's saying "what about me"
    Victoria Tearooms sound just my sort of place Jenny. Beautifully captured.

  8. Aw, he looks like he's reading the sign! :)

    It's Thanksgiving here, and I wanted to stop by and say I'm thankful for you, dear jenny. :)

  9. Awwwww. He looks sad and wondering if he could fit through the vent to get downstairs.

  10. Maybe he was smelling some aromas wafting up from the grate in the sidewalk! ~Lili

  11. I've been in that tearoom. It does a nice afternoon tea!
