
Wednesday, 14 December 2011


I love this one, the tenth window in Saltaire's Living Advent Calendar.  It's only small - the transom window above the front door of a house on Rhodes Street - but I think it's really imaginative and rather sweet.  Some of the owls look like mere babies, but it put me in mind of this quote:

'A wise old owl sat on an oak;  the more he saw the less he spoke;  
The less he spoke the more he heard; why aren't we like that wise old bird?'

And - ha! - did you know the collective name for a group of owls is a parliament?!


  1. It is so simple but yet very striking. The quote is so very true. A Parliament, I must remember that next time I'm at a trivia session.

  2. I love that one t(w)oo ...

    Simple, but very effective =D

    by the way:
    An alternative, and equally appropriate, collective noun for owls is a "stare"...

  3. Quite adorable addition to the Living Advent Calendar, this parliament of graphic owls! I'd heard the group term before, but would have failed a trivia quiz. And I couldn't agree more with the quote. :-)

  4. Oh! I love those quaint little owls - so very cute. I must try and be more like that wise old owl - more listening and less talking!!

  5. Have to say, of those I've seen, that's the winner.

  6. We learnt lists of collective names at school, but I must admit I'd forgotten this one, until you reminded me. I won't forget it again, though, thanks to you :)

  7. Oh that the MPs would be so wise, huh!

    What a cute photo.

  8. Parliament?!How funny!Those owls are really cute!

  9. I always look forward to your advent windows - by now they are a regular seasonal treat for me. Just fancy : you have become a blog tradition!

  10. Oh, that is cute! And I haven't heard that quote in a very long time! So very true!

  11. No I didn't! I love the gradation of light in the photo.

  12. What cute little owls! I love this Advent calendar.

  13. A Parliament of Owls, a Murder of Crows, an Exaltation of Larks and (alas for the USA) a Congress of Baboons -- though that's not really fair to our simian cousins...

  14. And the collective name for photgraphers . A "clique" of photographers . . .

  15. So sweet, and I never knew the name for a group of them before, thanks Jenny! ~Lili
