
Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 dawns

I must admit to being rather envious of the beautiful dawn skies that Vicki often posts on her blog - the backdrop of the Appalachian Mountains is a tad superior to Shipley town centre, it has to be said.  Nevertheless, the sky as I walked to work on Friday was pretty stunning.  And yes, red sky in the morning did result in rain by the afternoon, those shepherds/sailors were right!

This seemed a fitting image for the start of another year.  I'm personally hoping for rather less family drama in 2012... but I give thanks for all my blessings.   'God's in his heaven, all's right with the world. ' Sadly we know all's not right with everything in the world, but sometimes just choosing to focus on the bright side does help, I find.


  1. Happy New year Jenny! Glad I discovered your blog!

  2. Just beautiful...

    Warm wishes for a happy & fun-filled New Year...
    Seasons Greetings!

  3. Yes indeed, and a peaceful New Year to your good self and all of us "bolggers" . . . .

  4. Even the clock tower can look attractive against a background like that!

    Here's hoping that 2012 is family drama free!

  5. Lovely image! Best wishes for 2012, Jenny.

  6. We woke to a snow storm on this beautiful New Years church for us, but blessed by friends I've made through blogging. Happy New Year to you too!

  7. You did this sunset justice, it's a beautiful picture! Happy new year to you!

  8. It's a beautiful sunrise, wonderfully captured... Although (she says, tongue firmly in cheek) as an image to symbolize the dawning of a new year, it scares me, as I do not need another year of being rained on quite so much! LOL! Seriously, Jenny, I wish you and yours an amazing 2012, with lots of fun shooting and blogging!

  9. Great color in the Saltaire sky. I hope your year is all positive. Even when things around you are volatile, Jenny, keep that positive attitude.

  10. What a Beautiful sunset Jenny. Thank you ever so much for stopping by today.
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you all the very best for the New Year.
    God Bless you and your family.
    Dianne :)

  11. Heres wishing you a Happy and Prosperous 2012. Never seen the clock tower look quite so nice.

  12. That's quite dramatic, all those dark angles and shapes against the beautifully shaded sky!

    Happiest of New Year's to you!

  13. That vibrant sky was a perfect way to start off the New Years! ~Lili
