
Monday 30 January 2012


Here's a puzzle...... where are these people?  And why are they here?

I'll give the answer tomorrow.......


  1. This was on TV yesterday and it crossed my mind that you might visit. But as I'm the first to comment I'll not give the game away.

  2. It looks like a lock and the people are waiting for a boat. There seems a lot of people for one boat. Maybe someone important is arriving by boat.

  3. I went, both Saturday and Sunday actually! Have never seen so many people on the tow path before. Was excellent though!

  4. Is this the scene at Bingley locks, drained once every 25 years for maintenance?

  5. I to am a local and therefore am well aware of where it is and what is happening . . however I do not wish to "barge" in and un-"lock" the secret . . . that would be an "empty" vanity . . .

  6. I'm also thinking its the five locks at Bingley as they are having a refurb

  7. Well, I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out! :)

  8. This is too easy for anyone in Yorkshire. I was walking down from the far side when someone I spoke said the queue was very long. I am glad I thought of going because otherwise I would have missed Eve and indeed this beatiful border collie features today on my blog.

  9. I think Siegfried spilled the beans, so to speak. But we will be back tomorrow to hear the rest of the story!

  10. From picture and comments, people are near locks and are waiting 1) for the locks being emptied or 2) a boat coming.
    I'd say locks soon empty.

  11. I've stood where you're standing, but I've no idea what is going on. I can't wait 'til tomorrow, so I'm about to google it to find out :)

  12. OK. Gottit! £200,000!!!!

  13. It is quite obvious that a TV show is involved with Bingley locks. That is as far as I got!

  14. Since I am not on your fair isle, I don't have a clue, but it was fun reading the comments and getting a bit of an idea. See you tomorrow!

  15. I can't wait to find out. Looks like a lovely place to walk.
