
Sunday 19 February 2012

York Minster

A photo to prove that we can also have bright blue sky in the middle of winter!

Ages ago, I promised some photos of York, which is a beautiful and very historic walled city, the county town of Yorkshire.  I have not visited since, so - on the spur of the moment and gambling upon the weather forecast being right - I decided to have a day trip on Saturday.  In fact the weather turned out to be brighter than forecast, though very cold and windy.  It was perfect for showing the lovely gothic Minster at its best.

The Minster/cathedral dates from the 1220s, though there were earlier churches on the site and it has constantly evolved through the centuries.  It is one of Britain's most beautiful and interesting buildings, as lovely inside as out.  Take a look at the website for more information and photos - you can take a 'virtual tour' too (though for some reason they have filmed the interior without any of the chairs that usually fill the nave, so it looks rather unlived-in!)  In my photo, you may be able to see the heart carved into the West Window, completed in 1338, which I think is a lovely feature.

Being so close to neighbouring buildings you really notice how the cathedral towers over them.  Imagine then how much more amazing it must have seemed when it was first built, when dwellings were on the whole very modest.  Life in those days revolved much more around the church (see this interesting piece) and this building must really have seemed like a bridge between heaven and earth, an offering and reflection of the glory of God.


  1. I've never visited, but would dearly like to. Just taken the virtual tour, and it looks magnificent. I'm reminded of a friend (a Medievalist) who spent some considerable time there, mainly on his back, studying the ceiling bosses.

  2. I'm always impressed by cathedrals, this one is wonderful under blue skies! I recently saw "the pillars of earth", serie from the Ken Follett's book, and i'm in the perfet mood to enjoy your picture today!
    have a nice sunday!

  3. Lovely picture. And I agree with you, I think it is all the better for not having a grand prospect, rather that it towers over the surrounding buildings. If it had been designed by a committee it would have been set in 50 acres of its own grounds. Glad it wasn't.

  4. I haven't visited for ages but remember the building vividly; it makes that kind of impression. I thought it also looked rather magnificent when illuminated at night.

  5. It is a beautiful cathedral and you have captured it in all its glorious light. I have an old photo of my Mum and Dad standing on the steps on their wedding day. They weren't married in the cathedral but a registry office. I'm not sure why they were on the steps of the cathedral. Love the blue sky but not the sound of the cold wind.

  6. Beautiful and impressive. And it certainly towers over my own humble offering today. Jim

  7. It really is a huge building, towering over its neighbours most impressively!

  8. I've only visited York once but I enjoyed my few days there. I'd like to visit again one of these days.

  9. Fabulous Jenny! I think it is on my bucket list.

  10. I visited the York Minster maybe 35 - 40 years ago and climbed a tower. Wasn't there a bad fire at the Minster sometime more recently than that?

    Love your photograph (and the blue sky!).

  11. A Very good photo Jenny! You even have the buildings straight!!

  12. What a gorgeous piece of architecture. Thanks for sharing this fabulous image Jenny.

  13. It must be so much fun to visit these nearby places. I certainly enjoy seeing them through your camera's lens. ~Lili

  14. I loved visiting here. When we arrived in our room. the bells were singing! Lovely. Thank you for a long ago memory revived.
