
Saturday 24 March 2012


A quaint row of old houses on Alderscholes Lane in Thornton, typical of the area with their solid stone walls and slate roofs.  I'm not very good at dating property but I imagine these were built in the mid 1800s, making them similar in age to the early parts of Saltaire.  When built they didn't have bathrooms. Just across the lane there are what were originally stone 'privvies' - draining directly into the little beck (stream) that runs through the valley.  I imagine facilities are rather better now!  The railway viaduct beyond was built in 1873.  It must have been quite a sight to see steam trains chuffing along overhead.

This is the Thornton Challenge - in which Alan Burnett and I agreed to explore the same village at different times and from our own perspective and then share what we each 'saw'.  For Alan's eye view, over the past few days, please go to his blog NEWS FROM NOWHERE. Though today he's taking a break to post his usual 'Sepia Saturday' entry - and that's well worth a look too.


  1. What a fine picture, really this could be somewhere in the heart of the Dales instead of only three miles from the centre of Bradford.
    The interesting fact about the over-arching viaduct featured here and in previous images is that it is the only "S" shaped railway viaduct in the country.

  2. We had an outdoor privy, when I was a small child, but it we didn't have to cross the lane to get to it...thank goodness. That viaduct is magnificent.

  3. Why is it when I take pictures of washing hanging in Thornton streets it looks mucky and depressing but you infuse it with such charm and colour. That is a great photograph Jenny - composition, colour balance, everything just perfect.

  4. Hi Jenny .. interesting information re the privy - I'd not thought about them being across a drive, and then drain into a beck ..

    Beautiful descriptive photo - tells it like it is ...

    It is amazing how the railway viaducts tower above the village - in Cornwall where my mother came from and we holidayed as kids and now! there are these viaducts towering across the valley below.

    Very interesting Jenny - thanks .. cheers Hilary

  5. I do find it incredible to picture the trains steaming over this viaduct, so imposing above the cottages. Imagine sitting in your garden and being able to watch that everyday!

  6. It has a wonderful "olde world" feel to the place ... I can imagine a puffing billy train chugging along over the bridge ... A real story book village.

  7. I love the coloured washing! and the coloured boxes on the houses whatever are they?
    We seem to be blogging about railway bridges coincidentally?

  8. gorgeous, charming and quaint all together! :) Am I right in calling them mews?

  9. I can only imagine watching the trains going past there - it must have been wonderful.
    Outdoor privies!! Draining into the stream!!

  10. Betsy - I don't think we'd call these mews. We call little courtyards of cottage-style housing (old or new) in town 'mews'. The old original ones, behind a row of grander houses, would have been stables with living accommodation above, but now all made residential. Or newer properties built along the same lines, accessed through a gate or arch. The ones in my picture are just terraced cottages.

  11. After viewing Alan's take, my first impression is that Thornton feels a wee bit warmer and quaint through your lens Jenny. This is so interesting to see. We certainly are getting a more balanced view of the place between the two of you. ~Lili
