
Thursday, 24 May 2012

A couple of spivs (Haworth 40s weekend)

No wartime re-enactment would be complete, either, without a couple of spivs.  A spiv was a petty criminal who peddled stolen or black-market goods of dubious authenticity.  These two slickly dressed gents fitted the stereotype perfectly and had an amusing line in banter.  And no, I was not persuaded to buy....!


  1. We won't ask where he got the prop from.

  2. A couple of 'likely' lads.

  3. As per usual we go to the same places and you come away with all the photographs I wish I had taken! You pictures capture the atmosphere perfectly.
    p.s. Yes I got your photographs - did you not get my e-mail in return?

  4. Ah! These guys look like they're having a real fun day.

  5. Fantastic series of images of the 1940's week Jenny, the costumes are brilliant, so authentic. What fun, I love reading book and seeing movies set in that time period and so enjoyed Dad's Army, hilarious!! You just couldn't get more 'spivier' that these two above, are you sure you didn't buy any silk stockings!!

  6. Somehow I don't think the Brontes would approve

  7. The guy on the right has an absolutely mischievous expression. I love it!
