
Monday 7 May 2012

What are you doing?

From this to this (above) in six months!  Sorry I haven't been dropping in on anyone's blogs this week.  I've been in London on granny duty.... though it is proving to be a huge pleasure and not a duty at all, as I'm sure many of you could have told me.  This is my granddaughter's: 'I'm not sure if I know that lady - and what is she doing poking that camera into my face?' expression.  After a few hours I began to be treated to the most delicious smiles and conversational gurgles, quite delightful... but by then I was too busy enjoying her company to think about taking photos.  Note the tiny drip on her lower lip... being six months old seems to involve a lot of dribbling!


  1. Delightful. Grandchildren due here today - a great time of life. Congrats.

  2. Hi Jenny .. what a wonderful photo ... just so happy for you - and boy does she look a little star .. enjoy your weekend .. cheers Hilary

  3. Beautiful child. I can feel your joy all the way across the Atlantic! Jim

  4. "Awe" She is Adorable. Enjoy your visit, but then again I really didn't have to say that as it is very obvious that you are.:)

  5. awww...there certainly isn't anything better in the world than granny duty! :)

  6. What a sweet face! And how fun to be on grandma duty. Our little man just got his first tooth. Will make the 90 mile drive to see it this weekend!

  7. Love the drop! and the "What on Earth is going on" expression. Put it in the new album....

  8. Oh, what a wonderful distraction -- watching a new one discover the world.

    I've just taken a tour through your past posts -- I've been in England in May before this and I see that it's just as beautiful as I remember.

  9. Oh yes, how fast Elodie has grown! She looks to be a bundle of health. And I'm glad you enjoyed yourself on grandma duty enough to forget the camera...

    [Answering your question: I am a Taurus and a Goat: double stubborn. LOL! Now you can figure out my age. ;-) ]

  10. What a huge dose of sweetness right there! ~Lili
