
Saturday 30 June 2012

Wet Wales

Holiday photos... But oh dear, this is not what you want to see when you're going on your precious annual holiday!  Even though you can appreciate it's beautiful really....

I did the lengthy drive from home to my holiday destination on the Welsh coast with the car's windscreen wipers going the whole time.  I'm afraid this photo more or less sums up the summer we're (not) having in Britain.  All to do with the 'Atlantic jetstream' being too far south, I'm told.  Let's hope it all cheers up for the Olympics.

As to the location of the photo, it was a lay-by on the A44, somewhere west of Llangurig.  It's actually very beautiful and wild scenery, through the Cambrian mountains, following the upper valley of the river Wye.


  1. You're wrong: that's EXACTLY how and where I want to spend my holidays! I need freshness, greenery, deserted places, grass, fog..That's why I like this picture very much!
    PS:about yesterday, it's only that I find funny to meet an other one, i'm gemini too!

  2. It's beautiful, despite the rain. Shame we can't even things out a bit; everyone in the UK is complaining about the rain while most of the US suffers from intense heat and needs rain.

  3. Isn't the trick to appreciate and enjoy and make the best of whatever weather is sent to you? This image is lovely. Find some ways to have fun on your vacation. That is an order!

  4. Looks beautiful to me... we need rain! But I understand that a photographer would like a bit of sunlight whilst on holiday and I hope that you get it.

  5. It looks lovely but not good for a holiday!

  6. It all looks a bit soggy and sorry for itself. We've had a couple of reasonable days here, in the south, but more of the wet stuff is on its way for tomorrow. Hope it cheers up for you.

  7. You must have heard this: "Whatever the weather, we'll weather the weather, whether we like it or not." Something my mother used to say. No idea where it came from.

  8. Looks lovely....If only we had some rain here in our hot & dry!

  9. That is annoying when going on annual holidays but as you say makes an interesting shot.

  10. Jack is right. This beautiful moody image proves you did make the best of it.
