
Monday 18 June 2012

Wot, no bins?

An alley without rubbish bins... a rare sight in Saltaire! but nevertheless this is a characteristic view of the backs of the terraced houses and lends itself nicely to a mono treatment, I think.

For a more usual 'alley view', see here - and in answer to the comment asking how they empty the bins, I think the waste collectors (maybe even the householders?) have to manhandle them all to the end of the row and then back again.  I'm lucky in that my house, at the other end of Saltaire, has a back lane wide enough for the rubbish wagon, so I only have to put my bin outside the gate.


  1. You're right; it does lend itself to monochrome. It takes on a timeless quality. Surely Sir Titus was still alive when this picture was taken. Jim

  2. It does make for a very charming photograph!

  3. Without bins, this street is looking like it was maybe a century ago!B&W shows it even better!

  4. An ideal spot for 'kick the can'.

  5. When we lived in Old Trafford, the rubbish handlers pulled the bins to the end of the alley each time they were emptied.

  6. This is so amusing to me, because I took very few photos in Saltaire, but one was of this very alley. I realize, in looking at my version, that your perspective and framing are better.

  7. Lovely shot, jennyfreckles.

    Until you see an alley/street without bins, you don't realise just how intrusive they are. Not to mention, ugly.

  8. I agree, best in B&W. We have our bins indoors. They are emptied daily.....into a huge one on wheels. At the Lake a lorry comes round with a special tool that empties it into the lorry. Only one person required- the driver!

  9. A lovely shot. When we traveled round the Cotswolds, I was always having to angle shots of wonderful house so as to exclude the wheelie bins.

  10. Just off Albert Terrace I think. Near the railway station ?

  11. so much better without the bins
