
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Work and play

These allotments at Bingley Beckfoot are so big that there is room for serious gardening and play as well.  With some lovely old apple trees providing ideal climbing frames, and plenty of room to run about, they are a lovely place to bring children to learn and explore. (In most cases I think it's probably grandchildren that benefit, as the average age of the allotment holders seems to be more of the grandparent demographic than young parents.)  I remember so well, in my childhood, many hours spent in the garden with my grandfather, who grew lots of veg and took time to show me the plants and let me help with the tasks.  It didn't teach me to have green fingers, I'm afraid, but it did teach me a love of nature in general.


  1. 3 gorgeous photographs what a treat on this dull Wednesday morning.
    : )

  2. Yes, I recall that we had gardening lessons in Junior School but it only served to make me always have a preference for concrete over earth.

  3. Your pictures make me think of this beautiful movie, "An other year", where the "heroes" have such an allotment and take care of it with love.

  4. Just getting caught up on visiting blogs after some time on the road. My son and daughter-in-law were very involved in establishing community gardens in the city where they live. It's heart warming to see flowers and vegetables growing in the heart of a city. Jim
