
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Jowett Javelin

This is a Jowett Javelin car; these were produced between 1947 and 1953 by Jowett Cars Ltd based in Idle, a district in Bradford. (A district, incidentally, about which there are many jokes... the Idle Working Men's Club etc!)  Jowett Cars was a small manufacturer of cars and light commercial vehicles, that existed for about 50 years in the first half of the 20th century.  Not surprisingly, there are a few private collectors in this area and several vehicles appear in museum collections, such as at the Industrial Museum.  I can't be bothered with what's under the bonnet but I do like the design features of old cars and I was rather enamoured of the sweeping lines of this car's grill.


  1. No, I have never heard of the Jowett Javelin. That is OK. Jowett has never heard of me, either. The lines of this hood and grill are sinuous and sensual, aren't they?

  2. "I can't be bothered with what's under the bonnet"...I love that line and I feel exactly the same way. Cool photo!

  3. Lovely arty shot - any chance of the whole thing?

    1. Aw, sorry, didn't take a pic of the whole thing.

  4. What a beauty! I'd like to see the whole car too.

  5. Beautiful detail. I'd forgotten all about Jowett; how time flies!

  6. I'm not interested in under the bonnet either Jenny, but I love the visual detail of the bonnet, beautifully shown here.

  7. The grill recalls Plymouth cars of the era.
