
Saturday 25 August 2012

Stairway to heaven

From our office window we have a wonderful view of Salts Mill and we were somewhat surprised yesterday to see men abseiling down the enormous chimney. Closer inspection, on my way home, revealed a series of ladders roped together (looking fairly precarious, it has to be said!) going all the way up to the top. The workmen were constructing a scaffold platform. The technology used doesn't appear to have changed a great deal since the chimney was first built - a few ropes and pulleys, and the planks and scaffold bars being hauled up by hand, one by one, from the men at the bottom to the men at the top.

An article in the local press says they are steeplejacks (wonderful word, I always think!) from Access Steeplejacks Ltd in Leeds, who will be working for the next six weeks or so to plug the chimney against rain, replace the lightning conductors and carry out repointing and other essential repairs. I'm glad the chimney is being preserved - but rather them than me!

At least it wasn't raining today, though you would rarely see a duller August day. :(


  1. I have no head for heights, either. My late step-father - a builder - used to run up and down long, wobbly ladders without giving it a second thought. These steeplejacks are a different breed, altogether!

  2. Fablous persective! But, as you say, this is THE job I'll NEVER have!!!

  3. That is high ! I am already getting dizzy when I am on the 3rd floor without a barrier or a window ! lol !

  4. wow...and yes, those ladders! Oh my!

  5. I work in Salts mill, and asked them if they would take my camera up and take some view photos, they have agreeded to this when all scaffold is up ! :D

    1. Agreed* - don't know why it spelled it like that !! lol

    2. That would be fascinating - aerial shots almost. You/they can guest them on my blog, if you like!

  6. Yes, They are waiting to put the netting up, then they will take photos for me, when I have them I will be most happy to share them with you for other people to see. It will be in around a week or less. :)
