
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Autumn song

Roberts Park's bandstand looks pretty in Spring with the blossom on the trees (see here) and I think it looks equally good in the autumn, now that the leaves have turned red and gold. The summer bandstand concerts have finished and now the bandstand sings the sound of children happily playing on their scooters (funny how they seem to love riding round and round in circles!)


  1. Looks like you're having lovely weather. Hope you have time to enjoy it.

  2. Beautiful! I think I like the autumn picture better, because it is my favorite season.

  3. It is a beautiful bandstand. Great photo.

  4. "Blessed are those who go round in circles, for they become the big wheels." A saying I learned in junior high school and never forgot... don't know who to attribute it to, though... Kids are just like that; at least I know as a child I could amuse myself for hours on end doing nothing much at all. :-) This space is beautiful in both autumn and spring... just lovely.

  5. Lovely autumn photo and how nice to hear children having fun.
