
Sunday 28 October 2012

Blue hair-net

To complete the series of photos I've shown over the last three days, taken from the top of Salts Mill chimney, I though it appropriate to include one of the chimney itself, complete with its blue 'hair-net', which was added after the scaffolding was erected. Taken on one of the bright, crisp autumn days we've been having, interspersed with fog and drizzle, the golden stone and autumn leaves look wonderful against that blue sky. Regular readers of my blog will also recognise 'the perfect tree' in another of its costumes.


  1. I just had a look on the other pictures taken from this chimney ! what a beautiful view ! Was worthwhile to go up there although I don't know if I would have done it. When it's closed it's OK, open I get dizzy.

  2. As I see the chimney, I even more admire the courage of the photographer! Many thanks to Him!
    You've got a perfect blue sky!
    Have a nice sunday!

  3. It is an interesting looking chimney.

  4. Brilliant series Jenny, that unnamed photographer did a fab job, I'm with you, no way could I go that high, never mind lean over and take pics.

  5. A perfect photo on a seemingly perfect day!
